Dirha a To-do app

A new take on the common type of apps ( to-do apps )

A new take on the common type of apps ( to-do apps )


2016 – 2018


There are countless todo apps on the App Store ranging from Big-Tech companies creations, to many small developers with their own take on the matter. Many of these apps oversee the purpose of a good to-do solution which is "to get things done in the most simple, easy, fast way possible). Most of these apps have a lot of options and features, in many cases options equals confusion, in this confusion the users find them selves writing detailed to-do lists rather than doing them. Therefor plenty of apps become obsolete after just weeks of use.
The goal is how to make an app that really helps a user get things done in the most intuitive way possible.


With a clear goal in mind, we taped first into the vast sea of to-do apps available on the appStores and playStore of the world, Benchmarking the the usability and features of the most popular ones. On this foundation we set off ideating our findings on functional prototypes basing our solution on real world scenarios.
We found that designing for a seamless user experience is key to the ease of use of our product, grounding our aesthetics on minimalism which communicates the app visuals through two primary colours taking in count the colourblind, But most importantly translate the importance of a task via "TEXT only". All the above wouldn't be possible without a solid base that is a purposeful design system which was op­ti­mised for max­imum mod­ul­arity, scalab­il­ity and usa­bil­ity.


Brand Identity
Design System
User Experience
User Research
System Development
API Development
System Integration


2016 – 2018


There are countless todo apps on the App Store ranging from Big-Tech companies creations, to many small developers with their own take on the matter. Many of these apps oversee the purpose of a good to-do solution which is "to get things done in the most simple, easy, fast way possible). Most of these apps have a lot of options and features, in many cases options equals confusion, in this confusion the users find them selves writing detailed to-do lists rather than doing them. Therefor plenty of apps become obsolete after just weeks of use.
The goal is how to make an app that really helps a user get things done in the most intuitive way possible.


With a clear goal in mind, we taped first into the vast sea of to-do apps available on the appStores and playStore of the world, Benchmarking the the usability and features of the most popular ones. On this foundation we set off ideating our findings on functional prototypes basing our solution on real world scenarios.
We found that designing for a seamless user experience is key to the ease of use of our product, grounding our aesthetics on minimalism which communicates the app visuals through two primary colours taking in count the colourblind, But most importantly translate the importance of a task via "TEXT only". All the above wouldn't be possible without a solid base that is a purposeful design system which was op­ti­mised for max­imum mod­ul­arity, scalab­il­ity and usa­bil­ity.


Brand Identity
Design System
User Experience
User Research
System Development
API Development
System Integration

A streamlined user experience across platforms with persona-based interfaces and behaviour-changing functionality.

An honest and purposeful design system that allows users to focus on what’s most important — getting things done.

An honest and purposeful design system that allows users to focus on what’s most important — getting things done.

Give us a call, or reach out to us via social media. We’re always open for a chat.